Everyone looks forward to the summertime and those days where they can use their pools, have fun and create memories. After all, there’s nothing better on a warm day then taking that refreshing dip or even just relaxing next to it without a thought in the world.
Then there are those rainy days where you can’t use your pool – and truth be told, rain is just something that is going to happen, but it can also cause some damage to your pool’s overall chemical makeup and create some rather unsavory issues that you’ll have to manage. Simply put, rain will put a damper not only on your overall usage of your pool, but it’s health as well.
And that’s what we’re here to discuss today. Here are some ways you can manage potential blight caused by rain.
The problem is not the water, but rather what it brings with it
Algae and airborne debris are often carried by rain. When these spores hit your water, they can become attached to it and can begin growing in your pool. There’s no time to waste when this happens because it can cause all sorts of reactions with the chlorine in your water and hinders it from doing its job. While you don’t need to be johnnie on the spot after every sprinkle, it’s a good idea to at least check in and try to get a better handle on the overall health of your pool.
Killing the algae is key
You need to kill algae in your pool faster than it is capable of reproducing. That’s why it’s always important to purchase some algaecide and keep its level high. This isn’t something you need a pro for – just make sure you read the directions and recommended levels that come with the packaging. As long as there’s enough water in your pool, it will keep killing the algae.
Rain can pick up all sorts of things from dirt to leaves. Just about anything can mess with the overall chemistry of your pool. Skimming and vacuuming your pool are important in these situations – but it’s even more important to be proactive and make sure that you’re regularly testing the alkalinity of your pool and maintaining the proper pH at all times. Doubly important – is covering your pool after each use, or at least before rainfall. That in and of itself will take care of a whole host of issues associated with debris getting into your pool.
As you can see, rainwater is something that is not good for your pool. It serves as a prime breeding ground for some nasty materials that can make your water unwell, out of balance and can even make your family sick. Test your pool regularly and keep it protected.