Six important questions to ask before getting estimate on your pool.

There isn’t a feeling in the world better than jumping into a pool when the heat’s pushing 100 and the humidity’s high. Even better, having your own pool means that it’s private, clean and always there when you need it the most. However, while having a pool has immense benefits, it’s also a responsibility.

We’d be delighted to build you a pool, but before you make the big purchase, be sure to think about a few things first. Things like:

Is my yard capable of having a pool?
Depending on the size and design of your pool, you’ll need to know whether or not you have the area to handle it. And trust us, there’s more to the pool than just the hole in the ground where the water goes. There’s lining to be laid, decks to be installed and pumps to be run. Make sure your yard is big enough and can handle it all!

What’s my budget?
You can only build what you can afford, but it’s also important to not max yourself out. Always leave room for unexpected events, cost overruns and the like. All it takes is one gigantic boulder or rock to change the scope of a project. While these aren’t common issues, they do happen from time to time, so it’s always advisable to protect yourself if they do. If they don’t – there’s a myriad of things you can use that money towards in and around your pool once the big dig has been completed!

What will it take to maintain my pool?
Pools aren’t a TON of work, but just like you take your dog for a walk and mow your lawn, there is a degree of maintenance involved. Keeping your pool water clear and inviting means checking your pool’s PH, chlorine and acidity levels routinely. Just like your grass starts to look hairy the longer you let it grow, the murkier your water can become if you’re not keeping up on maintaining it.

What will I use my pool for?

This is a huge part of the process. Will you be using the pool for exercise? Then maybe a longer pool is what you’ll want. Looking to have a place to hang out in? Then maybe something a little smaller will do just fine. Do you want a diving board or slide? Then perhaps you’ll have to dig deeper. Again, think of all the ways you’ll use your pool and take that into consideration when brainstorming a design.

Safety first
Pools are an absolute blast but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Yes, you’ll have to comply with your local codes and just like any other project at your house, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the appropriate permitting in place. Beyond that, you’ll want to make sure your pool is as safe as possible, too.

Above and In-ground pools all vary significantly in terms of the kinds of things you’ll need to keep them safe. Other factors like kids, pets and the like should also be considered. Lucky for you, though – there are a plethora of products you can purchase to take the edge off and ease any worries you might have. From alarms that go off when someone enters the pool to child-proof locks on gates, you’ll be able to make sure your pool is as safe as possible without much worry or expense. Just be sure you think it through.


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Advantages of LED Pool Lighting

ledlightsOne of the great things about having a pool in Florida is that, much of the year, it’s warm enough to swim at night. And that means lighting is an important aspect of your pool.

The latest technology in pool lights is the LED (Light Emitting Diodes). These modern lights give off more light, yet use far less power than the old style halogen globes. In fact, you can have about 14 LED’s for the same energy used by one halogen light. Another advantage of LED lights is that they last twice as long as halogen lamps – up to 50,000 hours.

LED lights can be used around the pools to light the area, or to illuminate the water itself. These lights make swimming safer since people can see better.

You can use LED lights in the walls and on the pool surface to give it a unique look. These floating LED lights are great for the kids swimming at night and create more fun. You don’t have to worry about putting these lights in the water since they are waterproof and sealed. Just make sure that you are buying the LED lights from a good company and check the seals before using them. Resin seals are the best.

Unlike the old halogen lights that used colored lenses to create colors in the pool, LED lights come in up to 16 different colors. Instead of having to change lenses for halogen lights, the new colored LED’s can be set up to cycle through different colors or modes. You can control the lights through a central switch or you can use a remote switch to operate the lights.

To summarize, these are the advantages of LED pool lights over halogens;

  • much brighter light
  • use far less power
  • last twice as long
  • can be used in, on, or around the water
  • come in 16 colors
  • more convenient controls

To find out more about installing LED lighting in you pool, call Freestyle Pools at; 813-855-4040.

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Swimming Pool Design Tips


So you have decided to build your own swimming pool and turn that boring back yard into an oasis. But the exact details of what your pool will look like can be a little daunting. There are, after all, so many choices.

Before you even talk to a swimming pool company, it may help to take a look at some photos. After scanning the Internet for awhile, I came across a great website for this very thing.

It’s called Houzz, and it contains a treasure trove of images, not only about swimming pools, but all parts of your home. Here you will find 55,384 Pool Design Photos.(

Look them over and decide on some basics before talking with the contractor. Here are some things to consider;

  • overall size
  • shape
  • depth
  • type of material
  • lighting
  • deck material
  • deck colors
  • landscaping

The Houzz site’s thousands of pictures should help you zero in on all these factors. Then, when you begin your pool design, you will have a better idea of what is out there and what your choices really are.

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Turning Your Dream into A Swimming Pool

poolIt’s one thing to dream of that magnificent new swimming pool in the back yard, but making it a reality is another matter. Exactly how does one become the other? Obviously, it all starts with one phone call.

When you call Freestyle Pools & Spas to request a quote on a swimming pool, we understand how important this project is to you and your family. This is not like buying sofa or new curtains. After all, a new pool is a major improvement to any home.

First Meeting
Even though each project is unique, the general process of design and construction is similar. When you contact Freestyle Pools & Spas, we arrange to have one of our experts come to to your home and go over your vision of what you would like done. By carefully listening to you and taking notes, we gain a full understanding of what your backyard paradise will look like.

From Thoughts to Blueprints
Our team uses the information from that first meeting, along with the latest computer 3D modeling software, to create a detailed image of the plan. During this stage, we consult with you about various options, features, and details to refine the plan until you are completely satisfied. At this point, we have gone from your ideas, to an actual blueprint of your new pool area.

Choosing Your Materials
The next step is to choose the specific components that will be used in creating your swimming pool and surrounding areas. For this, most people visit our showroom where we keep samples of a wide variety of materials, from classic to contemporary. Like every step in the process, our experts will listen, consult and/or advise you to insure you end up with the very best results. At this point, the plans are finalized and approved by you.

Production Meeting
After getting the required construction permits, and going over these with our “fine-toothed combs”, we have a production meeting with the construction manager, production manager and owners of Freestyle, in which every aspect and detail of your project will be reviewed. This meeting allows us to smoothly transition from the design phase to the construction phase.

Meeting Your Construction Manager
Before we begin, you will meet with the Construction Manager to go over the actual construction process. We will keep you informed and answer your questions during the project, by your choice of phone or email. We will also provide you with our “Customer Care Manual” containing useful information covering each stage of the project.

When your swimming pool project is done, before you dive in, you’ll get a thorough orientation with our trained technician. And later on, should you have a question or concern about your pool, we’re always just a phone call away.

For more information call Freestyle Pools & Spas at  813-855-4040 or 727-466-9300.

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Swimming Pool Adds Value to Your Home

swimpoolSome people think that adding a pool to your home can lower its value. But this is contrary to actual sales statistics (and common sense). When you place an ad to sell your home in the future, of all its features, the pool is what stands out the most. A pool makes a house look more attractive to buyers.

A recent study published by the National Association of Realtors backs that up. A real estate professor at Florida State University, G. Stacy Sirmans, Ph.D, took the sales data from more than 28,000 homes to see exactly what features contribute to the overall value of a home.

Of all the characteristics of a home, the study showed that a swimming pool was a major factor in how buyers shop for a house. Home buyers consider pools as “generally positive and significant.”

In the Tampa, Florida area, a pool increases the value of a home by up to 10 percent! But even more important than that, a pool gives your home a major advantage when you go to sell it.

Imagine a potential buyer, a couple shopping for their next home. They look at house after house (without pools). Then – they see your home – WITH A POOL! They can just see themselves enjoying a relaxing swim after work, entertaining friends, a barbecue around the pool in the summer. Oh Yeah – SOLD!

Of course, all pools are not equal. A low quality or poorly designed pool may not be so appealing to people. However, adding a high quality, well-designed swimming pool to your yard will most definitely raise the value of any Florida home.

Added Bonus: It will not only add value to your house, you also get to enjoy it yourself for as long as you own the home.

Find out more at Freestyle Pools & Spas – Call 813-855-4040

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How Swimming Keeps You Young & Healthy


We’ve all heard that swimming is a good way to exercise, but why is that?

Besides being more fun, moving around in water is also more work. Water is almost 800 times denser than air, so even a casual swim will burn about 500 calories an hour. If you really get into it, you can easily burn up to 700 calories an hour.

Swimming is also a superior workout since most common swim strokes involve nearly all parts of the body. This helps build stronger, better toned muscles. At the same time, since water makes us basically “weightless”, it gives our joints a rest. Unlike other types of excercise, you can swim every day without risk of injury. Therefore, swimming is something you can do for your entire life.

Can swimming actually help us stay younger?

According to studies presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference recently, habitual swimmers are biologically up to 20 years younger than their actual age. A swimmer’s blood pressure, cholesterol levels, cardiovascular performance, central nervous system, and cognitive functioning are all comparable to someone far younger.

So there you have it. If you want to stay young and healthy – keep swimming!


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Basic Pool Maintenance

There is nothing quite so beautiful as a well maintained swimming pool in the back yard. But since there are thousands of gallons of water involved, keeping it clean and safe requires some attention. If you know how, it’s easy to keep your pool looking like new.

To maintain your swimming pool water quality, there are two basic factors to consider; sanitation and balance.

By sanitation, we mean preventing the growth of algae and bacteria. This is best accomplished by using simple chlorine. And by “balance”, we mean to keep the chemical factors of the water within safe parameters. These factors are covered below.

pH Level
Keeping your pH levels within the proper range is not only important for your comfort, it’s also important for keeping your equipment and pool finish in good condition. pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the water. Proper pH level is about 7.4 to 7.6 on a test kit’s scale. Zero to 7 means you have a low or acidic pH, where 8 to 14 means the water is more alkaline. Low pH readings will cause your chlorine to dissipate faster. High pH levels will deactivate chlorine, which translates into wasted money.

The total alkalinity, refers to how much alkaline material is in the water. But you can’t really know the importance of total alkalinity without referring to pH, because these things are closely related. High alkaline water leads to high pH. Low alkaline water leads to low pH. The average pool should have an alkalinity reading of 100 ppm.

Calcium Hardness
In your pool, just the right amount of calcium is very important. Not enough can erode the plaster walls of your pool. Too much can cause your water to be cloudy, and scale or stains could begin to form. The best range for calcium hardness is 200 to 400 ppm – while 300 ppm being ideal for the average pool.

Stabilizer helps keep your chlorine active longer. 40 to 100 ppm is the ideal range for Stabilizer. It is even added to some chlorine compounds to protect them from the effects of sunlight. Low levels of stabilizer can mean having to use a lot more chlorine. If it’s too high, you should add water to dilute your pool water to bring the stabilizer back down.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
You should keep the TDS level under 3000 ppm. Besides calcium, there are other dissolved elements in pool water. All water contains dissolved minerals, unless it is distilled. Due to evaporation, minerals become more concentrated over time. The more concentrated these minerals become, the harder it is for chemical additives to work and stains can form. If you have 3000 ppm or more of total dissolved solids or TDS, you may need to drain some water and add fresh water.

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