We’re very up-front with our customers: an investment in an inground swimming pool is significant. It requires money. It requires time. It requires commitment. They’re also an incredible addition to your backyard and very much worth it.
Some folks however, get hung up on whether to go with the less expensive above ground option. It’s certainly a better choice for some, but not for all. Today, we’re going to discuss why people choose to go with inground pools so that if you’re someone who’s faced with a similar decision – that your decision is made a little bit easier. Let’s jump right in!
If you’re someone who likes entertaining, having friends around and throwing gatherings – inground pools are often the way to go. Don’t get us wrong – you can do plenty with above ground models, too; but your options in terms of putting together a more complete entertainment space are going to be better with an in-ground pool. More space, options in terms of what you can do for a deck, entertaining area, etc.
Fitness and health
Swimming is one of the best activities for your health. Whether it’s swimming laps, exercising your joints or working on your cardio – pools offer a number of health benefits. Simply put – while some activities are fine in an above ground pool – you’ll simply have more options at your disposal if you put your pool in-ground.
Increasing the value of your home
While pools do bring with them a degree of labor and maintenance, they can vary a bit in terms of the value they can add to your home. Above ground pools are a little more prone to wear and tear and require more maintenance up front – which can sometimes be a turnoff to potential buyers.
On the other hand in-ground pools are seen as significant assets when it comes to boosting the aesthetic value of your home. They enhance backyard spaces, make for more entertaining spaces and are on the whole, less work/risk than an above ground model would be.
Regardless of your reason for wanting to own an inground swimming pool, feel free to give our team a call today if you’re interested in learning more! Until then – good luck and happy hunting!