Hiring a pool contractor: where to start

Make no mistake about it, installing a swimming pool in your yard can be a major undertaking. If you’re not fully prepared, you can end up costing yourself a lot of money and choosing the wrong or an unprofessional contractor can lead to a whole myriad of issues.

So today, we’re going to discuss the basics of what you should look for in a pool contractor. We’ll cover a few points and even some questions that you should ask so you can be more confident in the person you choose to install your pool. Let’s jump right in!

Where to find ‘em

It’s hard to vet a contractor if you don’t know where to look for them. So the first place you want to start is the usual hovel of contractors – and that’s places like Home Advisor, Angie’s list, LinkedIn, NextDoor, Houzz and the like. Not only will it be easier to find contractors, but you’ll be able to potentially see recommendations from past customers, reviews and even photographs of their past work. 

Consider some that you like and make a shortlist of 5 or 6 contractors to interview and do some real digging on.

Credentials mean something

Look whenever it comes to anything in the home improvement space, you’ll find contractors who are worth their weight in gold and others who are literally fly by night amateurs. Swimming pool contractors are no different. They should 100% have certifications and permit identification numbers. Any proposal submitted should have a detailed accounting of what/when/why and how of the permits that you’ll need in order to complete your project. Be sure to look from accreditations from places like Better Business Bureaus and the like. These things matter and it says that the person you’re doing business with is reputable. 


If a contractor doesn’t have references and isn’t super eager to share them with you, then you need to run for the hills. It’s a huge red flag. On the other hand, if you really like a couple of contractors, they can help break the deadlock. Nothing is more powerful than the testimony of a client who is not only satisfied with the work that’s been done, but is also willing to take time out of their day to support the person who did the job. Ask for references and most certainly call them. 

Anything you get, you get in writing

Look – even though contractors and home owners come into things with the best of intentions; things and accidents happen. Make sure every aspect of your job is written down and agreed to on paper with signatures. That way, there’s no ambiguity as to who is responsible for what and expectations are set realistically right off the bat. The clearer things are, the better off all parties will be. 

We’re excited for you that you’ve decided to install a pool at your home. We hope today’s blog was helpful. If you’re interested or living in the Tampa, FL or St Petersburg FL area, give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free consultation. Until then – good luck!

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