Getting your pool prepared for the summer

Down here in Florida, it’s more or less pool time all the time, but for those of us lucky enough to own one, we all know that the summertime is when our pools will be getting the most traffic. As such, it’s always a good thing to be prepared for the season and make sure things are in good, working order. 

Today, we’re going to talk about a nice, neat pre-summer checklist pool owners should be abiding by in order to make sure their pools are ready for the high-usage summer season. Let’s jump right in!

Pump check, pool check

Before you get down to cleaning your pool, it’s always a good time to just do a walk through and make sure everything is in good working order. Start with the pump and filter systems – check for things like cracks. If you’re not the most technically astute pool owner, absolutely call in a pro to do a once-over. This will help identify any ‘under the hood’ problems that might be lingering; allowing you to get out ahead of them before they become expensive liabilities.

A thorough clean

Even though we don’t really cover our pools down here in the Largo, FL area – there’s still plenty of debris whipping around that can make its way into your pool. Before the busy season starts, a real, genuine deep clean is usually a great idea. Use your brush and vacuum the surfaces by hand so you can get into those hard-to-reach areas that your robotic cleaner might not get to. 

In addition, thoroughly clean out the skimmer box and filter. Debris (rightly so), will build up in your skimmer basket pretty quickly over the winter. A clogged filter will make it more difficult for your water to flow freely and that’ll put additional wear and tear on your pump. So before you get down to business in the summer, clean it out. 

Chemical test

This isn’t just for the summer – this should be really done at the end of every season and performed every two weeks. If you don’t know what levels are appropriate – contact your local pool pro. You’ll want to make sure the chlorine, Alkalinity pH, Stabilizer content, and Calcium hardness is all where it needs to be. 

Safety and surroundings check

Pools are a lot of fun but when people don’t pay attention, they can be dangerous, too. Now’s a great time to make sure your pool fences, gate and railings are in good, working order. Make sure any chemicals or equipment that might be dangerous to children is stored away in a safe place. Also check the surrounding decking for any growth, stains or splinters. Identify areas where there’s cracks, loose pavement, loose fasteners or rot. All of these things can create much larger problems later on. 

Hopefully you found today’s blog helpful. These tips should give you plenty to do as we head into the summer. Enjoy your pool and as always – if you need anything, give us a call today. Until then – good luck!

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