This month is National Water Safety Month – and it’s appropriately timed – as most owners are opening their pools right about now. It’s also the perfect time to review your safety specs and make sure everything is up to standard, as you get ready for the fun that lies ahead this summer.
The first step to having a safer pool area is to actually take pool safety seriously. A lot can – and sadly does – happen in and around pools, and if you’re not on top of things, something could happen to someone you care about.
Actually caring about pool safety can imply a lot of things, but generally speaking, we’re talking about things like learning CPR – and not just you – but perhaps even your spouse and children. We’re talking about things like having a phone near the pool, so in the case of an emergency – you can call 911 immediately. Being safer almost never starts with the equipment you have in and around the space (although that IS important), but begins with you having an increased awareness of your surroundings and behaving in a ‘safety first’ manner.
Speaking of equipment – there’s plenty to look into. If you have an aboveground pool – consider a locking safety ladder or any kind of secure pool entry system. If you have an in ground pool in your yard, make sure the perimeter fence is sturdy, in good repair and secure. Not only do both of these systems keep your kids safe, but they also keep other small, uninvited creatures from making their presence known.
Additionally – you may want to even consider a pool alarm as the last line of defense. You’d be surprised at how capable highly determined kids/pets/animals/well lubricated friends are of infiltrating your pool’s defenses. Having an alarm helps detect motion in your water and will alert you whenever something or someone ends up in there that shouldn’t be.
Pools are a symbol of summer – a place where family and friends can share each other’s company in a fun and safe spot. Make sure your take care of the things you need to so that in the event something bad happens – you’ll be prepared.